• Why Is My Toilet Leaking From The Base?

    By D. Jason Plumbing |

    Plumber Mississauga

    As a homeowner, seeing water leaking from your toilet can cause a lot of panic and worry that there is something bigger going on. The good news is that it’s likely a pretty simple fix for your Etobicoke, Toronto home. Here are a few reasons as to why your toilet could be leaking from the base. 

    When Does The Toilet Leaking Happen?

    If a toilet is leaking at the base, it will occur most of the time when the toilet is flushed, but you should test it to make sure. 

    Sometimes condensation will build on the outer part of the toilet, so it’s important to do a test and make sure you visibly see water leaking when you flush the toilet. 

    Faulty Toilet Valve

    If you have a pool of water gathering behind the toilet, you might have a loose water supply line or a faulty shut-off valve

    To rule this possibility out, take a look at the hoses behind the toilet and make sure they are secure and tight without any water coming from them when you flush the toilet. 

    Check The Tee Bolts

    One of the most common reasons toilets in Toronto homes leak is because they are not properly secured to the floor. 

    To check this possibility, take a quick look at the base of the toilet. On most toilets, you will see two bolts that will probably be covered with plastic caps. If the wax ring placed under these bolts doesn’t form a water-tight seal, it will cause the toilet to leak when flushed. 

    To fix this problem, you will need to tighten the bolts. You may need a flat head screwdriver or a putty knife to first pry the plastic caps off the bolts. Tighten the bolts just a little bit at a time – alternating between the left and right side. It’s very important that you do not over-tighten the bolts as it could cause the base of the toilet to crack, and then you’ll have a worse problem. 

    If the bolts spin when you try to tighten them, they could be stripped, and you may need to buy new bolts completely. 

    Replace the Toilet’s Wax Ring

    If you checked the bolts and they aren’t loose, the wax rings still may not be completely water-tight, and that’s where the leak is coming from. Thankfully, the wax rings are something Toronto homeowners can replace on their own, and it’s not a super expensive project to complete. 

    Contact D. Jason Plumbing Today

    If you don’t feel comfortable doing these repairs yourself – or if you feel that there is a bigger issue that requires the attention of a plumber, you can always call on the professional plumbers at D. Jason Plumbing to help you out.

    We are always happy to help you resolve any plumbing issues that may occur with your Etobicoke, Toronto home.