• The Latest Trends in Home Plumbing Technology

    By D. Jason Plumbing |

    Plumber Mississauga

    The plumbing in homes is different today than it was 20, 30, or 50 years ago because plumbing codes and technology have evolved as people learn what works (and what doesn’t). Many Toronto homeowners are taking on home renovations to make their homes exactly what they want them to be, but that also means they will need to update their plumbing to bring it up to code. They also may want to do some upgrades to make their home a little more efficient.

    Here are some of the latest trends in home plumbing technology: 

    Remote service

    In previous years, you would have to call a plumber and wait for them to come to your home to diagnose any issues you may have. However, it’s becoming convenient to communicate remotely with a plumber via a smartphone or tablet. 

    By sending your plumber photos of your issue and fixtures, your plumber may be able to remotely diagnose the issue and let you know what needs to be fixed. Knowing what the insides of your toilet look like or the model of your leaky faucet will also help ensure your plumber has the right parts to fix it if they need to come to your house. 

    At D. Jason Plumbing, you can always text us at 416-834-0555 us for a fast response!

    Smart Plumbing

    We know that smart technology is in almost everything in our lives, so it was only a matter of time before it made its way into our plumbing fixtures. Smart technology has enabled Toronto homeowners to monitor their water usage and determine which appliances use the most water in their homes. This means homeowners are getting smarter about their water consumption, which can lead to lower utility bills. 

    Furthermore, there are smart water-detecting devices you can put into your home that will alert you to any issues – including leaks – so you don’t have to monitor each appliance in your home manually. These are often battery-operated devices that detect moisture. You would put them near your washing machine, toilets or dishwasher where there’s a chance the water supply lines could burst. The devices are also connected to your wi-fi, and you will get a text if they detect water.

    Even better, there are even several devices on the market that let you turn your main shut-off valve for your water off. This comes in handy if you are away at the cottage and get an alert that you have a water leak. You won’t have to rush home to turn off your water supply. We recommend you still have a relative or neighbour inspect your home to ensure there is no water damage.

    Schedule your plumber

    Remember the days you would call a plumbing service, and they would give you a 4-hour service window on a day two weeks from now? Well, that is no longer an issue! Many plumbing companies have implemented the ability for their customers to schedule their appointment for what works best for them. This means they can see a calendar and pick a time to have a plumber come out. 

    Scheduling services like this are often done through third-party partners, and the way the scheduling might work is that it could incorporate dozens of various plumbing companies.  The downside to this is that you may not be able to schedule your plumber of choice.

    Greener plumbing technology

    Many Toronto homeowners are becoming more concerned with the impact they have on the environment. With this in mind, they are searching for greener home appliance options. One example is rain systems, where large barrels are used to collect rainwater, which will then be used in the home with various appliances for things like cleaning and gardening. 

    Other homeowners may also collect and use grey water, such as sink or laundry rinse water, to water their lawns.

    Contact D. Jason Plumbing Today.

    Are you looking to upgrade your plumbing with some of the latest technology? If so, we can help. Contact us today.