• What to Do When Your Drains Start to Smell

    By D. Jason Plumbing |

    Plumber Mississauga

    It’s something that most homeowners in Mississauga and Etobicoke experience at least occasionally. They walk into their bathrooms or kitchens and are greeted by an unpleasant odour. The garbage bin is usually the first suspect, but what happens when you take out the trash and the smell is still there? Is the smell more pungent near the sink? It could be the drains.

    Smelly drains are a fairly common problem, and there are several causes. The good news is that the solution is usually simple, and in most cases, it is something you can take care of yourself.

    Causes of smelly drains

    • Clogs and bacteria – perhaps the most common causes of stinky drains are clogs and bacteria build-up caused by hair, food, grease, and gunk.
    • Sewer smells – sewer smells can occur if the drain traps are empty and gas from the sewer is allowed to rise up into the trap.
    • Pipe blockage – if there is a blockage in the drainpipe or sewer vent pipe, it can cause drains to smell.
    • Water issues – If your drain has a rotten egg smell, it could be because bacteria has entered the system and is reacting with sulphates in the hot water heater.
    • Mould or mildew – if there is a leak near the sink or behind the wall, it could cause mould or mildew, which will produce a smell.


    How to get rid of the smell?

    Clogs and Bacteria

    For smells that are caused by clogs and bacteria, you’ve got a few options for getting rid of the smell. The first is to plug the sink and fill it with water and add a little bit of bleach before draining the sink. The bleach will kill the bacteria to get rid of the smell. Another option is to use boiling hot water and pour it down the sink a little at a time.

    Alternatively, if you want a solution that is stronger than just water but not as harsh as bleach, you can mix some white vinegar with baking soda and pour the fizzing solution down the drain. Let it sit for about an hour and then pour hot water down the drain.

    For stubborn clogs, you may also need to use a drain snake.

    Empty Drain Traps

    If you have a sewer smell that is caused by empty drain traps, you will need to get the traps filled up with water again. Running the water should help with this.

    Mould and Mildew

    If a leaky pipe causes the smell, you will need to contact a professional plumber to locate and resolve the issue.

    Water issue

    If the problem is from bacteria in the hot water heater, then turning up the heat for a short time should be enough to resolve the issue. Usually, the standard-setting is around 140 degrees, but if you turn it up to 160 for a while, it should kill off the bacteria. After that, flush out the hot water heater by running hot water into a bathtub for 10-15 minutes. Ensure, however, that there is a pressure release valve on your hot water heater first, or this could be dangerous. Nobody likes to have smelly drains, but fortunately, there is usually an easy fix. For larger plumbing problems in Mississauga and Etobicoke, however, you should always consult with a professional plumber.

    For help with plumbing issues for your home, contact the team at D. Jason Plumbing today.